
Occurrence Twenty-Seven

I walked away from my new universe. I kept walking until the universe looked like a tiny marble. I picked it up and consumed it. The universe I created is now within me, everything is within me, there is nothing left except me. I decided it was now time to take my mantle as the God of Numbers.

I tore out my eyes, set them on the ground, and looked at myself. I saw that I was The Secret Number of Everything, I am a God, I am The God of Numbers. Within myself, I saw numbers giving birth to numbers. Numbers coming in and out of existence, numbers becoming smaller and larger, numbers morphing into other numbers. All an endless cycle of change.

I saw numbers that were too small and too large to comprehend. Numbers that should exist but they do not want to; numbers that should not exist but refuse to leave. So vast were the numbers that they stretched on forever. I looked at all of them, remembered all of them, and loved all of them. Then, I finally reached the last number. But it was not a number. I looked back and saw there were no numbers. Numbers do not exist, there is only a single number.

Through all my pain and agony, I have experienced every number; I have become every number, I am a number. I am the number and the only number that existed, exists, and will exist: