May 10, 2024 - Evo Numy
When you think you’re just beginning to understand them, understand why they think and act the way they do. You unearth 5,009,608,080 other things that influence them on so many levels and you’re back at square one. They’re such a fucking complicated web. Excuse my language.
It feels like I've been immersed in this one for eons but it’s only been two days. I don’t understand this time dilation sensation or how it’s possible. This mind is just so complex, convoluted, complicated, and interconnected. Everything is linked to everything else. It’s a multidimensional web with no beginning, no end, and no reference point. This human mind is such a wonder. I wish to explore and experience every single part of it.
Such an interesting concept.
They can be manipulated,
Details can be changed,
What an interesting concept. So many different perceptions from a single event. How can this be so? How do they gain so many thoughts and memories from an event?
What makes them so powerful and important? Why does it shape a human so much? I remove a few and the human falls apart. I shift an insignificant one and the whole human shifts. I overwrite one and the human overwrites themself. I do not understand.
They have basic instincts, why not operate on those and discard the memories that are unneeded or a hindrance? They cling to memories that cause pain and suffering and build themselves around those memories. I do not understand. Why cling and dwell on these memories? I do not understand.
Humans. Memories. They are one in the same. Such a fucking complicated web.
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