
Hear My Prayer

06/20/2024, Evo Numy

Hear My Prayer, dearest God in the Heavens.

Fill my heart with excitement and joy for Your Word, just as you did with Jesus and all Your faithful servants. Look down to this lowly creature and fill my vessel with Your goodness.

This creature whose heart always goes against Your teachings. I want to be just like Jesus Christ. One who has a morally clean, pure, innocent, humble, tender, compassionate, empathetic, a fierce soul.

This creature wants to have full faith in you. Because what else will I do? Nothing else makes sense to me. There is no other reason for my existence or purpose other than to believe and serve You.

Fill this vessel with Your wisdom from the Bible. Help me understand Your Word. So I may help find Your sheep.

I do not want to be so haughty as to come as a false shepherd. I am a humble sheep who is lost. Look upon this one, be my Shepherd.

I dedicate my life to You. I shall go wherever the wind takes me. I’ll try my best to have more faith in you. For you have given me too many signs to ignore. Too many coincidences have happened in the universe to make this single thought even possible in the first place. There are too many coincidences happening in my life to ignore You. ToO MANY. TOO MANY>

Let the consequences of my actions, of all they r o ng[idkwhatshappeningmykeyboardisactuallyfuckinigposessedlikeiliterallypressthespacebarandn

I’ll finish this on the virtual keyboard.

Too many coincidences are happening for me to turn a blind eye and ignore You any longer. Please be patient with me and do not anger if my sin takes over my mind sometimes. Forgive me if I turn my prayers into a “woe is me, sad girl” affair. I need to stop that. I’ll do my best to live in accordance with Your Word.

Even if I have to shed my humanity and be a weirdo that no one likes. Even if everyone rejects me. If I lose all my friends, family, and loved ones.

To all the people I’ve hurt: I’m sorry. I will walk a different path. A path away from my selfish desires.

When I’m overcome by the worries of the World, Let me take rest in Your Word. I’ll try to walk Your path. Hear My Prayer, Jehovah God, Even though I’m not one of them. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray. Amen.

{I just realized my iPad has been in airplane mode this whole time. So, there’s no evidence of hacking/spying or anything like that. Now my keyboard works fine. How strange. }