Psychedelic Thoughts
Flipping Book

No Time for Myself

Flipping Book
No Time for Myself Image

Date: January 2, 2024

Author: Evo Numy

Your World

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This world today in which we live, is filled with so much to distract us. We are told what kind of life to live and how to live it. We are told that the key to happiness is to work, get married, retire, try to travel, and then die. There is no time for us to pursue things that truly make us happy.

We constantly grind.

We constantly work for things we are told to buy: a new car that costs more to maintain than it’s worth, a home we cannot afford, the latest fashion to wear and throw, the next video game to distract us for a while. At the end of the day, do these mean anything? Do we even want these things? Do we know what we even want in life? Do we know what will make us happy?

We are human beings. We are diverse, unique, divergent in our own way. Each of us has different wants and needs. Not everyone wants to work a 9 to 5 customer service job for the rest of their life. Nor should everyone be forced down that path.

How wonderful it is to live in a time where knowledge is so freely available; easy to access. The pursuit of knowledge is even more accessible today than it ever has been in human history. So, why aren’t more of us taking time to pursue knowledge? Why do we fill our minds with useless things such as TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook? Do not be mistaken. These platforms contain wonderful knowledge however, it’s the brain-rotting content that is being pushed and advertised. All these small things that are just distractions meant to weigh us down; to pollute our mind. To make us become addicted so that our happiness relies upon these things.

We are made to be easy to manipulate and herded, just like sheep.

Ask Yourself

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What is holding us back from doing the things that we love? Why must we twist and contort ourselves into this mould that society has built? What is the point of life if you don’t do something you love? Are you even living?

Perhaps, you want to live out in the woods, quietly sustaining yourself as much as possible. Or you want to make an earning doing art. Or you want to travel and see the world. Or you want to help others who are less fortunate. All of the above are the right way to live, for these bring happiness and fulfillment in life.

Yes, our society has been advancing through technology and science but, have we been advancing mentally, emotionally, or spiritually? Only now, do we come back to spirituality because we’re so burnt out from the society we’ve created. I see spirituality, philosophy, art, the pursuit of knowledge and such the like rising in popularity again.

These things have fallen out of favor for such a long time. When was the last time a society valued these things?

Search yourself

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We must remove ourselves from these negative things and find happiness within the simple things. For this is where true happiness comes from; pursue the wholesome things that make you happy. For it is better to say, “It didn’t work out but at least I tried. I live with no regrets.”

Do not say, “If only I had more time. If only I did the things I wanted to. For I am at death’s door. I will die with so many regrets.”

We must make time for it. We must identify the good in the bad in our life. The productive and the unproductive by looking within ourselves. Identify the bad, unproductive things that do not bring you happiness.

Identify the good, productive things that do bring happiness and fill your life with more of these. We must look within ourselves and identify bad habits within our life. Identify the things that only bring us down or weight down our heart. We must replace them with things that bring us wholesome happiness. Take time to search within your soul for you know where your true fulfillment and happiness stems from.

Know yourself. Know who you are. For knowing yourself completely is such a wonderful feeling. Do not feel overwhelmed, a good, productive life does not have to be a burden! The good, productive things are simple.

Become Yourself

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Seek yourself. Seek wisdom, happiness, and truth. Find your meaning in life. Do what you love.

Good, productive things can be: Listening to your favorite music instead of indulging in pornography. Watching an educational video on a subject you’re interested in instead of watching the news and becoming upset by it. Sitting and beholding the beauty of the sunset instead of smoking. Do not live with regrets.

Live each day graciously. Treat everyone as you would treat yourself. Practice patience. Find love and all things. Forgive those who commit offenses against you. Live your life with a light heart and your heart shall be filled with light. Live a life weighed down by the world and the world shall burden your heart and take your life.

I have searched within myself. And within myself I have found so much love, peace, and happiness. I have harmed no one in the process. I have not done any bad. I have brung only goodness into my life. Do good. Love what is good.

Turn what you love into your hobby. Turn your hobby into your livelihood. Nurture it; let it grow and see what comes of it. Something may come of it or it may not work out. You will never know unless you try. Always try to live your best life, do not ever settle for what society tells you that you want.